ahhh yes.... spring sprung a leak around here. We got about 16 inches of snow last Friday!! Thank goodness most of it has melted away... but we've got flurries on the horizon. Sheesh!
Lilly Belle is now 4 and a half months old!! She had her appt today and is currently snoozing away her immunization blues... (mom had Wendy's to make herself feel better about it.. sniff sniff - it was not fun but easier as the nurse, I promise!)
She sporting some good ole Pernell AND Elston traits...
Height - around 20th percentile - mom's short, but we think this came from Daddy ;)
Weight - 13lbs and 6 oz - 25th percentile (about where she's been) As much as mom would like to claim this one, we think this probably came from Daddy too!
Head circumference - here comes the good ole Pernell side with a whopping 80th percentile! Taking after mama and uncle Poopsie with a whopper of a noggin' And as Bill Pittman would say - and I would agree... it's gotta be all of her extra brains!!!
All in all - she's a skinny little squirmy wormy! She's right on track for her growth curve and that's allll we can hope for!
Hi guys! She is absolutely adorable! I have to keep coming back to your page to get updates on ya'll. Will you be in Texas anytime soon? We miss ya'll!
Hi Josh & Kristi - your pictures of Lilly are just adorable...I ran into your mom at the gas station one morning and your brother at the zoo...he told me that Kristi had torn her acl - I am so sorry to hear that. I hope Kristi's doing better! Reese is 7 mo now and started crawling about 1 month ago - let me just say it has made things a bit more challenging for me (I've asked James for a raise since I'm working harder now, but nothing as of yet...) Well just wanted to say hello and hope you are all doing well. Take care!
Looks like she's doing just great, Kristi. Tierney was 14.12 pounds and 26 inches at her four-month appointment, 90th for height and 75th for weight. Her head is also in the 75th percentile. it's crazy that she's really only gained about 4 or 5 pounds since she was born, but she just started out so big! Lily is quite the cutie. We just took Tierney camping for the first time last weekend. We didn't sit around the campfire and make up cuss words this time. :) And we leave in 6 days for Berlin. Pray for us!!! It's going to be crazy taking an infant overseas. We are nuts.
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